Friday, February 11, 2011

Dang Dentist!

Josh had to go to the dentist today and get a root canal! Poor guy!! He said it took 2 1/2 hours to do it! YIKES! After giving them practically all our savings to have the procedure we find out it will take that same amount to put a crown on it! AHH! Dang Dentists!
Jaymen had his valentine party yesterday at preschool and was pretty excited about his treasures!! :) Shaylee got excited and had to get her Valentine Box done! SO cute!
Josh and I will be celebrating tonight! I tried to tell him we could do it next week with his current predicament but he insists he wants to go. We will probably just go to a movie and maybe dinner.
Glad we have such a good babysitter that can come and watch! She really is a lifesaver!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Umm....I will get the Hang of this! Sometime!

So I need to get better about uploading pictures and posting! I am so sorry! I thought I better get on this. My goal is to try to do this every week. We will see how I do! So since the last post (back in JULY!!) We have started school and the kids absolutely LOVE it! Jaymen has been taking tumbling and thinks it is a BLAST!! Josh and I have been busy busy with the group home. We now have 7 boys there and seem to be getting more and more requests.
Jaymen is quite the animated little guy! He has been a lot of fun to watch grow up! I really struggle with me working and him still young enough that I could be home with him. A big part a me is saddened that I don't get to spend that time with him like I did Shaylee. A few weeks back we had a hard day at drop-off to day care. He loves it there, Lynnsey Hansen does a WONDERFUL job, but some days he just wants to stay home. He was clutching onto me so tightly and crying. He pleaded with me not to leave him and to take him with me. I cried all the way to work. I was heart broken! So the next morning I decided to go run some errands for work and take him with me! We went to McDonalds on a lunch date and he really enjoyed that! I think he was over it but I wasn't!
Shaylee is my dancing queen! She did very well in the Nutcracker production Aunt Jessica puts on through her dance academy every year! Her routine was pretty short but she just LOVES the spotlight! We enrolled her in Performance group this semester so that she can perform even more! She will love that! She has already brought home her CD with the music on it and has taught the entire family her Hawaiian number. She is soo cute! She is a little smarty pants! She tests very high on her reading! She is currently at a fourth grade reading level! Considering she is in first grade that is pretty cool! She is pretty quick to tell Jaymen he is wrong...and at 3 that is quite often. We have been working on that though! :)
We bought a purebreed Austrialian Sheperd puppy in Sept. We named him Bear! He looks just like one! He is a SMART dog! We take him with us over to the group home every day and he comes home with us at night! It has been a good thing or all of us..but especially Josh. He has taken him on a few hiking trips out in the snow! Josh has his snowshoes and he follows. They both LOVE it! I want to take him running with us but we still need to work on leash/off leash training with him.

Josh and I are both training for the Del Sol Ragnar Relay in Arizona at the end of the month. This is a 12 man relay that runs approx. 200 miles. Our race goes from Wickenburg to Tempe, AZ. It is 197.6 miles long. I have a total of 16.1 miles to run! My first leg is 6.5 miles, my 2nd leg is 5.4 miles (UPHILL!), and then my last on e is 4.2 miles. Josh is running the "ragnar" leg which is the hardest leg in the race. He will run 21 miles total! His first leg is 7 miles, his 2nd leg is 6.3 miles and his 3rd leg is 7.7 miles. CRAZY! We all take turns. Our team name is Fat Kids Always Win At Teeter Totter. FKAWATT. Holly Cook made us team shirts. They are lime green and too cute! I will have to post a picture. They have ran before in the Las Vegas Ragnar - they had Orange shirts then. I am a little nervous for my legs! But hey I will be pushing myself! :) On the team is Josh and I, Ralaina Taylor, Jody Green, Mark Wardle, Lynnsey Hansen (That is Van #1) Jamie Baliey, Holly Cook, Debbie Harward, Paul Nelson, Todd Pay (team captain) and Stephen Frazee (VAn #2). I wish we had drivers but apparently we don't. So THAT will suck!! But I am super excited! It will be sooo fun!
As far as family news - Jessica is pregnant with her fourth! YEAH! She hasn't been as sick as she has in the past which has been such a blessing! Sam ran off to Vegas and got married to a girl named Kelly! She seems really sweet! They are having a wedding dinner to celebrate this week-end.
I think that is pretty much it for the time being!